Opposed piston opposed cylinder engine (OPOC)

OPOC Engine: 
Opposed Piston Opposed Cylinder Engine Eroltien Internal Combustion Engines are widely Used in vehicles. It uses fuel in confined space. The engine has the portability and is More convenient over electricity, hybrid vehicles. etc. But the Major drawback of these engines is pollution that they put out. Internal Combustion Engines creates air pollution in a large amount. To replace this engine, Many engineers are working on new technologies like electric Motors. hybrid power trains, hydrogen fuel cells. and even cars that run on compressed air. But none of the se technologies are efficient. So, we need a better internal combustion engine.Here is the good news: Better internal Combustion engines are on the way. A company called an Ecomotor de- veloping the new Engine named as 

Opposed-Piston-Opposed-Cylinder Engine. 0pposed- Piston-0pposed-Cylinder (OPOC) Engine is the Most exciting new type of internal combustion engines.

Opposed piston opposed cylinder engine

Published by Science tube 12 September 2020

Opposed piston opposed cylinder engine (OPOC) Opposed piston opposed cylinder engine (OPOC) Reviewed by Science Tube on September 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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