Fluid mechanics defination, scope, dimensions & units.
Scope of fluid mechanics:
Undoubtedly you have observed the movement of a clouds in the atmosphere, the fight of a birth through the air, the flow of water in a stream, and the breaking of a wave at the seashore. fluid mechanics phenomena involved in all of these. fluid include in a gas and liquid with, the air and water as the most prevalent. sum of many other aspects of our lives that involve the fluid mechanics are flow in a pipe lines and channels, movements of air and blood in the body care resistance or a drag wind loading on a building, motion of a projectile, jets, shock wave, lubrication, combustion , irrigation, sedimentation and meteorology and oceanography. The motion of a moisture through a soil and oil through geologic formation are other applications. A knowledge of a fluid mechanics is required to properly designed a water supply system, wastewater treatment facilities, dam spillways, valves, flowmeters, hydraulic shock observer and breaks automatic transmission, aircraft, ships, submarines, breakwater, marine, rockets, computer disk drive, windmill, turbine, pumps, heating and air conditioning system, bearing artificial organs, and even sports items like a golf ball l, yachts, race cars, and hand gliders. it is clear that everybody's life is affecting by a fluid mechanics in a variety of ways. All engineering should have a at least basic knowledge of fluid mechanics phenomena.
fluid mechanics is the science of a mechanics of a liquid s and gases, and is based on the same fundamental principles that are employed in the mechanics of solids, in the mechanics of fluid is more complicated subject then the mechanics of solid however, because with a solid one deals with a separate and tangible elements ,while with the fluid is there are no separate elements to be distinguished.
Fluid mechanics can be divided into three branches.
• Fluid statics
fluid statics is the study of the mechanics of fluids at rest.
• Fluid kinematics
Kinematics deals with the velocity and streamline without considering a force and energy.
• Fluid dynamics
Fluid dynamics is concerned with the relation between velocity and acceleration and the force exerted by or upon a fluid in motion.
Classical dynamics is a largely a subject in mathematics since, it deals with an imaginary ideal fluid that is a completely a frictionless .the result of a such studies without considering of all the properties of a real fluid are of limited particle value. consequently in the past engineering turned to experiments and formed these developed empirical formula that supply answer to a practical problems. when dealing with the liquid this subject is called hydraulic.
Dimensions and units.
in fluidity mechanics the basic dimensions are length (L), mass (M), time(s), force(F), and temperature, in order to satisfy a Newton's second law F=ma=MLT^-2 where acceleration is expressed by its basic dimension as LT^-2, we note that unit for only three of the first four of these dimensions can be assigned at arbitrarily unit must agree with the other three and therefore known as derived unit in the two system of units used . The commonly used the units of are the five basic dimensions mentioned are:

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